Back when the Samsung Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge were announced two colour schemes stood above all others in our minds. There was a Blue Topaz Galaxy S6 and a Green Emerald Galaxy S6 Edge, both of which had a jewel like quality to them and look rather more interesting than the other colour options of black, white or gold.
But disappointingly these colours didn’t launch with the standard selection, leaving buyers to either wait or make do with what was available. The good news though is that they’re now about to launch.
In fact Samsung Tomorrow claims they’re available now, but that’s a global blog and they’re clearly not available everywhere yet. Indeed a trip to Samsung’s UK store lists them as ‘Available soon’. Still, given the announcement on Samsung’s blog the wait must almost be over.
Prices are listed as to be confirmed, but we’d expect they’ll be the same as the standard colour options, since it’s just the colour that’s changing.
Oh and if you’re wondering what your colour choice says about you British psychologist Dr. Donna Dawson said: “People who opt for Samsung’s Blue Topaz Galaxy S6 are likely to be more self-confident, fastidious, discriminating, sensitive, exacting, and intuitive. The ‘brightness’ of the colour tends to attract more people who are both self-assured and know what they like.”
“People who choose Green as their preferred colour will tend to be balanced, loyal, hard-working, honest, benevolent and concerned for others. They may aspire to be good citizens with a highly-developed moral sense and a desire for simplicity. ‘Green’ also represents new life and new beginnings, and often inspires ‘hope’ and renewed vitality and energy in people, conveying friendliness and a connection to others.” Insightful